
Biking 2000km over 1,5 months

Bike4Gaza was a project initiated by Solidarity Rising to raise awareness about the situation in Palestine and fundraise for the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund. It supported Palestinian children amputees in Gaza supplying them with prosthetic limbs, providing mental health care and offering different forms of rehabilitation programs.

The 13 years old siege of the Gaza strip by Israel, ongoing wars, travel restrictions and lack of medical equipment have led to unliveable conditions and increased vulnerability for its inhabitants. On March 30th 2018, around 50.000 Palestinians participated in the protest that started the Great March of Return.

After almost two years of protests and over a decade of the blockade, the situation in Gaza is desperate and help is more needed than ever. Innumerable wounded and traumatized people continue to suffer the consequences of Israel’s war crimes in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

Through supporting the PCRFs work, we had and still have an opportunity to show the Palestinian people that the world has not forgotten about them and that we will continue to support them until they get the freedom and justice they deserve.

Bike4Gaza was a collaborative project with local and international activists including Palestinians who biked 2000km through Sweden for a period of 1,5 months. Together the activists collected 20.000$ in support of the Palestinian children.


US dollars raised

About the campaign

12 people biking 2000km in Sweden from Göteborg to Abisko and Riksgränsen

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Media coverage

Cyklar 2000 km för Gaza – sov över i Kristinehamn

Read the full article on Värmlands Folkblad

Värmlands Folkblad

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