A one-off or monthly donation
Our work relies on solidarity. Even a monthly donation of 3€ goes a long way when multiplied.
Expenses include travel tickets, meals, website running costs etc. Want to donate to a specific campaign? Worry not, you’ll be able to select that in the next screen.
Donate by bank transfer
Want to make a direct bank transfer instead? Use the details below:
Recipient: Solidarity Rising IBAN: SE12 5000 0000 0500 3102 8942 Bank: SEB BIC: ESSESESS Country: Sweden
Donate with Swish
Live in Sweden? Donate with Swish:
Phone: +46768070861
Recipient: Benjamin Ladraa, Solidarity Rising founder

Support ≠ Donations
While donations are important, you can participate in other equally impactful ways. At the end of the day, it comes down to numbers – the more of us that are aware – the harder it will become to continue these occupations.
Take Action
Here are more ways you can stand in solidarity with the oppressed.
Wiki warrior
Articles about occupied territories on Wikipedia often reflect the occupier's side. Edit them to set the story straight.
Documentary screening
Organize a documentary screening in your locality. Spread the word about ongoing occupations!
Social media warrior
Social media is the battleground for truth. Follow us, like, comment and share. Amplify our message.
Speaking tour
Organize a speaking tour. We love spreading the word and we'd be happy to do it in your town.
Direct action
Shut down the weapon factories, block the roads the occupiers are travelling on and make the occupiers feel our presence and resistance globally.
Organize delegations
Organize delegations to visit the occupied territories and see talk to the people firsthand.
Support our work
Support our work with a one-off or monthly donation
Flash floods emergency appeal
Support the flash flood victims in the Saharawi refugee camps
Stay connected
Subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter to follow our work and get involved. We don’t spam.