
From Sweden via Japan to Western Sahara

Biking 30.000km through 30 countries from Sweden via Japan to Western Sahara to raise awareness globally about Africa’s last colony and mobilize public opinion for the immediate implementation of a free and fair referendum in Western Sahara.

We believe, as is promised by the UN, that the Sahrawi people should be able to democratically decide the future status of their territory.

Historical changes and advances almost always are preceded by large public movements demanding change. From the civil rights movement in the USA, to the suffragettes in the UK, to the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, these movements are what sparks change and advances our societies.

#Bike4WesternSahara’s mission is to build this movement. Help us achieve – become our patron or join the campaign.

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Countries over two years

About the campaign

Biking one lap around the world to raise awareness about the occupation of Western Sahara.

The how

The duration of the campaign is two years and during this time we will advocate, give lectures and organize events in the countries we bike through in order to raise awareness and gain support for the inalienable rights of the Sahrawi people.

We will also directly support local Sahrawi organizations through fundraisers and collaborations with organizations abroad.

Brief history

Western Sahara is Africa’s last colony, first colonized by Spain in 1884 and then occupied by Morocco in 1975. More than one hundred UN resolutions and the international court of justice have affirmed and demanded the right of self determination for the Sahrawi people.

Western Sahara has been recognized by more than 80 countries but despite these proclamations, there has been no progress in resolving the issue and Morocco’s occupation of the territory is in open disregard of international law.

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Get involved

Organize a tour

Organize your own national tour and do this campaign in your country.

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Bike with us

Everyone is welcome to join for a day, a week, a month or even longer.

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Help us connect with people and organisations in the countries we’re visiting.

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Join a group

Join your local Western Sahara solidarity group or create one if there is none around.

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Our campaign relies on solidarity – we are endlessly grateful to our generous hosts and other supporters. However, we do need to have cash for unforeseen expenses.

Even a monthly donation of 3€ goes a long way when multiplied.