
Through 14 countries from Sweden to Palestine.

An awareness raising project done by Solidarity Rising’s Benjamin Ladraa in order to highlight the occupation of Palestine. It coincided with the centenary of the Balfour declaration of 1917 and consisted of a 5000 km long trek through 14 countries from Sweden to Palestine.

During the trek Benjamin spoke to many civil society organisations, media outlets, people in the streets and people online. Some of the videos produced reached over one million views online.

After the walk Benjamin embarked on a speaking tour doing talks in Sweden, Denmark, the United States and the United Kingdom. He spoke to thousands of people in universities, libraries, community centers, religious institutions and people’s homes.

The walk was between August 2017 – July 2018 and the speaking tour was conducted between 2018 – 2019.

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About the campaign

TRT World: Walking to Palestine. 26 April 2018.

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Media coverage

WalktoPalestine campaign by Solidarity Rising

Activist Walked From Sweden to Palestine to Protest Occupation

By the third day, blisters were beginning to form on his feet. But Benjamin Ladraa continued his trip. He would keep walking for another 11 months.…

Israel denies entry to Swedish activist who walked to Palestine

Israel denies entry to Swedish activist who walked to Palestine

The Israeli Border Authority denied entry to a Swedish peace activist who started walking to Palestine eleven months ago to raise awareness about the…

Walk to Palestine: Activist walking 5,000km

Walk to Palestine: Activist walking 5,000km

Twenty-five-year-old Swedish activist Benjamin Ladraa is on a treacherous walk from Sweden to Palestine to raise awareness about human rights…

Al Jazeera

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