The Israeli Border Authority denied entry to a Swedish peace activist who started walking to Palestine eleven months ago to raise awareness about the Israeli occupation and the suffering of the Palestinian people.

The peace activist Benjamin Ladraa started his walk on August 8th, 2017, with the aim of informing the world about the situation in Palestine and spread awareness about the Israeli military occupation. His walk also marked the centennial of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, in which Britain pledged a Jewish homeland in Palestine during the British mandate and occupation of the country.

After being denied entry into occupied Palestine, Ladraa wrote the following statement on his Facebook account:

The Israelis didn’t allow me to enter Palestine. I was interrogated for about six hours before they told me I was denied entry. They only gave two reasons for denying me entry, one was that they thought I was lying during the interrogation and the other was that they thought I would go to Nabi Saleh and make a demonstration (which they just assumed). On this day it has been eleven months of walking and speaking about the human rights violations under the occupation. Now ask yourself why the Israeli state fears one Swedish man so much that they didn’t allow him to enter the country they are occupying.

Read the full article on Mondoweiss