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Still Waiting for Tomorrow: The Law and Politics of Unresolved Refugee Crises

Long before the 1948 Arab-Israeli war when 750,000 people fled or were forced out of Mandate Palestine, the stage was set for Palestinians to…

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Sovereignty in Exile

The heat of the day soft ened, and we began to stir from our midday slumbers. Thirsty for air, we emerged from the tent to resume the morning’s…

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MINURSO: United Nations mission for the referendum in Western Sahara

This book is intended to be a part of a series of works that have been published about themes of warfare and conflicts under the auspices of Helion &…

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Global, Regional and Local Dimensions of Western Sahara’s Protracted Decolonization

The Western Sahara conflict is getting old. Having turned 40, which is quite an advanced age for a conflict, it is increasingly showing signs of…

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Silenced Resistance

Sultana trembled. The two policemen had muscled her into the back of the ambulance. She looked down, horrified, at her own eye cupped in her right…

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Endgame in the Western Sahara

In 1975 Moroccan and Mauritanian forces moved into the Spanish Sahara under the auspices of a deal arranged with Madrid as Franco lay dying.

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Nomads and nation-building in the Western Sahara

Nomads and Nation-Building is an intimate ethnographic portrait of the enigmatic Sahrawi nomads of the western Sahara Desert.

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Western Sahara – The Refugee Nation

My first image of the Western Sahara dates back to the early 1980s, when I was only a child. I was watching TV, the news, and I remember the…

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“Seized of the Matter”: The UN and the Western Sahara Dispute

Since 1988, the United Nations has been actively involved in the Western Sahara dispute between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Western Saharan…

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Western Sahara, resources, and international accountability

The illegality of facilitating the exploitation of natural resources by an occupying power in nonself-governing territories is well-established in…

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The taking of the Sahara: the role of natural resources in the continuing occupation of Western Sahara

The role of natural resources in the continuing ‘question’ of Western Sahara is not fully understood. In recent years, the development of the…

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The right to self-determination and the indigenous people of Western Sahara

This paper discusses the right to self-determination of the indigenous people of Western Sahara. It studies their post-colonial struggle for…

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The resurgence of algeria’s foreign policy in the twenty-first century

In January 1992, the military regime in Algeria interrupted the electoral process when the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS).

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Morocco’s Designs on Western Sahara Pose Danger to Palestinians

On the Republican side, Elliot Abrams, the "deputy national security adviser for global democracy strategy," a hawkish pro-Israeli supporter and one…

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Performing the nation, pre-figuring the state: the Western Saharan refugees, thirty years later

Recent social, economic and political changes in the Western Saharan refugee camps in southwest Algeria have import not only for the project of…

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The MINURSO Mandate, Human Rights and the Autonomy Solution for Western Sahara

Over recent years, international pressure has been increasing for the inclusion of a human rights monitoring mechanism within the MINURSO mandate,…

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