May 15, 2024

At the time of writing, hopes for a peacful solution to the enduring conflict of the Western Sahara are evaporating. If there is no plausible advance in the peace process before the end of 2004, the UN-brokered ceasefire between Morocco and the POLISARIO Front could come to a dramatic end. The last extension of the mandate of MINURSO, the international force supervising the truce in Western Sahara since 1991, expires in October. What will happen then is unclear, but all the signs point to a worrying panorama. Morocco would be moderately satisfied to maintain the current situation of the territory, most of which is under its de facto control. However, the POLISARIO Front, under growing pressure from its militants, is not in a position to accept a new extension of the ceasefire under the current circumstances.

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Source: JSTOR

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